Oh dear, where do I start with this breath taking wedding…Let me firstly say that this couple had only the best of the best service providers and for them to having chosen me as their photographer, to be a part of this reputable group was a huge honor! Ninon and her bridal party prepared for the wedding at Arum Lily Cottage & Log Cabins in the Wolseley area, such a beautiful place. They then proceeded to Olive Rock to meet P.D and the gang for a lovely garden ceremony where after the nuptials guests were spoiled with a champagne tasting done in Sabrage style (technique for opening a champagne bottle using a sabre sword) by Stephan De Beer at Twee Jonge Gezellen. This was a real treat! For the reception DJ Chopper had guests spinning away on the dance floor and last but not least professional in-house chef Nick Stanford prepared only the finest and most delicious meals for this grand affair! This one is for the record books. Congrats PD & Ninon.