Werner & Ianette | Waverley Hills

This wedding was truly a dream come true for Ianette in the sense of what she envisioned her big day to be like and how it turned out exactly that way. All of this was planned and created by herself taking the DIY approach to it. They chose to have a very small and intimate wedding with their guest count being only 42 people as they both strongly felt their wedding to be of love and companionship. They broke tradition here and there – Ianette having  her best male friend as a ‘Strooinooi” and allowing everybody to catch the bouquet and garter.

Here are a few words from the bride herself.

“For my husband, Werner, I am eternally grateful, and the saying of marrying your best friend, I most definitely did. He is not only my rock, but my place of safety, solitude and security. God truly blessed us both with a love that has no bounds when it comes to one another.”

A  huge thank you to Karien Fotografie as the second shooter, capturing the decor as well as the groom and grooms men preparation.

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